Mastering the Business Card Exchange
Let’s say, you meet two individuals in the same profession. One whips out a tastefully designed business card, showcasing the various ways you can connect with them. While the other stumbles around for a pen and paper.
Now, grant it…most people won’t solely decide if they’re interested in working with you based on a business card…but, stick with me.
Which would you be more incline to do business with?
I believe it would all depend on the latter persons ability to improvise!
On the surface, the first individual seems polished and ready to network, while the other could potentially appear unprepared, and unorganized…neither of which is appealing in the business world. But, we all know that things happen…so, what can you do if you’re the one that looks “ill prepared”?
Here’s rule #1 number: Don’t freak out.
I’ve literally watched people rummage through their bags and flip through other people’s business cards over and over, in disbelief that they’d run out of cards.
Truth is…it’s not that big of a deal…here’s why!
You can use this opportunity to show that you’re quick on your feet. No one needs to know that you’re out of cards?
Be proactive. Check out these creative ways to avoid the “do you have a business card?” question.
The first option entails asking for their email address and sending them one – on the spot. This provides you a few advantages according to an article on 1. You have permission to contact the person 2. You don’t have to wonder if they’ll remember you (snap a selfie of the two of you and send it along with your “it was nice to meet you” note!) or 3. You can send something to truly impress them (like your capabilities statement, a link to your blog or website, etc.).
That’s turning a situation around!
Now, for all my business folks that handle every opportunity as though they don’t have anything to lose! You can boldly whip out your smartphone and ask the person for their cell phone number and immediately follow up with “I’ll give you a shout in a day or two.” Bold, huh? Well, that’s what Forbes writer Andy Ellwood does, and according to him “9 times out 10,” it works!
Now, think about my initial question…if the individual without the business card is you…don’t waste time putzing around for something to scribble on. Jump in to action…say you’re environmentally cautious (which hopefully you are)…and keep control of the conversation. Like the old saying goes… “never let ’em see you sweat!”