Take the Time to Research!

Have you ever given a loved one the “wrong” gift?

I know I have.

Generally speaking, you can almost tell instantaneously if you hit the mark.

Even when it’s not “love at first sight,” over time if it’s a well thought out gift, it becomes part of the recipients everyday routine. And on the other hand, if you’ve failed, and we’ve all been there a time or two, it sits and collects dust.

Now that the holiday season is upon us, it’s time to get to work. Don’t just go out and buy the first thing on sale. Take some time to consider the individual that you’re shopping for…then research a few gift options before selecting that “perfect” gift! Believe me. If the gift reflects that you actually put some thought into it, it’ll make a world of difference. There’s something to be said for an individual who takes the time, and puts forth effort into learning things about something or someone else.

To be frank…it shows that you care. And that’s a quality that can transcend from your personal life into your professional space.

When you take the time to learn about people or their business goals, initiatives, culture or mission, it demonstrates your commitment to the person, team or organization. For instance, if two candidates are interviewing for a job and they’re both highly qualified, yet only one can use the companies lingo to describe how their experience aligns with the companies current initiatives…who do you think will get the job?

In the article, “7 things to Research Before any Job Interview” the author reiterates the importance of knowing “the company’s mission, culture and values.”

Imagine this.

You’re looking for a part-time job and you’re only available to work on Sunday’s. You eagerly roll in to your local Chic-Fil-A, and blow them away with your magnetic personality and amazing resume, but when they ask “when can you start” – you utter “this Sunday.” Now, anyone who frequents Chic-Fil-A knows that they’re closed on Sunday’s …so, you’ve not only revealed that you aren’t a customer but, that you’re not familiar with their culture.  While this example might not cause you to lose the opportunity, it’s a good example of how doing a little due diligence can save you some embarrassment.

So, go ahead…invest the time in determining what’s important to your next potential employer. Figure out what their buzzwords are, and if your skills fit the bill! Trust me, when an employer finds the right employee… one that will elevate their business…I promise you, it’ll be equivalent to them receiving that perfect holiday gift.