Sleep: An Entrepreneurs Dream!

Eight Hours.Street and Sleep

We all know that’s the recommended amount of sleep most adults need to function at full capacity; but, how many of us, entrepreneurs, actually get it?

Now, I’m not talking about lying in bed planning how you’ll tackle tomorrow’s busy schedule or replaying today’s “could have’s or should have’s,” I’m talking about curling up in your warm cozy bed for a night of good ole’ fashioned uninterrupted sleep.

According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association only 20 percent of adults believe their sleep quality is very good or excellent. The report went on to say that:

“Sleep is so crucial that even slight sleep deprivation or poor sleep can affect memory, judgment and mood. In addition to feelings of listlessness, chronic sleep deprivation can contribute to health problems, from obesity and high blood pressure to safety risks while driving. Research has also shown that most Americans would be happier, healthier and safer if they were to sleep an extra 60-90 minutes per night.”

Now, no matter how we might try to fight our sleep; sleep always wins…but, stress doesn’t have to. Make sure you’re consistently refueling yourself with ample mental downtime. As stress seems to loom most prevalent in individuals who don’t acquire enough rest (see infographic).

Our bodies can only do so much on little to no rest. For instance in the article “Top Tips for Managing Stress,” the author states that “after four consecutive nights of only four to six hours of sleep, you end up with the same mental acuity as having consumed a six-pack of beer, but without the fun.”  So, clearly sleep is just as important as strategically planning for that big client meeting!

So, if you’re like me you’re probably thinking “I can’t afford to waste 8-hours sleeping when I can be making things happen!” Trust me, I get it. But, now that I know better, I plan to do better! How about you?